Follow the leader is a game we play as children and should have hopefully been outgrown as we entered adolescence but instead that game can be found on Twitter. I'm sure many of you are thinking well Facebook is just as bad and that may be true to a certain extent. But I do not recall Twitter reuniting family members after the earthquake in Haiti, I also do not remember Twitter raising over a million dollars for the American Breast Cancer Fund, nor do I remember Twitter creating the largest suicide prevention group that helped saved thousands of adolescents. Perhaps since I am not on Twitter then I don't know of the amazing wonders they have accomplished for society but this your oppurtunity… this is your chance to tell me what positive has Twitter done for the world… better yet what has it done for you?
I am no hypocrite I do know that these social networks provide entertainment through boredom but let's just for one second act like the world is bigger than our hand held devices and that there's so many other things to go out and do that you don't have to go and tell people your doing on Twitter. Just food for thought…
*And if any of my Florida buddies go on their twitter's while on vacation...