Monday, June 6, 2011

Story Corps Interview

I've been contemplating writing about so many different things for my next post. I've had so many interesting topics of conversation arise that I just couldn't wrap my mind around one topic to fully divulge my thoughts into. Then today I had a pretty interesting interview run through Story Corps. Story Corps is pretty much a story telling database to say the least. Interviews are conducted by a familiar person about certain topics and preserved in the Library of Congress as well as on the Story Corps website. There are also many different interviews that can be found on Youtube. Based off of the conversation I had today during the interview I think I've said all I need to say for today. So for one time and one time only I've decided to let me verbal words steal the show as opposed to my written words. Take a listen below to an edited version of my interview. It is approximately 10 minutes long…if you'd like to hear the rest you can always email me. Hopefully it gives you a little more incite to how I think and feel about certain things as if you didn't get a pretty clear picture from my previous entries. Till' next time… stay intelligent.

MJB. The One

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